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How to Claim Compensation for a Delayed or Cancelled Flight?

Published: Tuesday, April 4, 2023

If  you  find  yourself  in  the  unfortunate situation  of  your  flight  in  Europe  being  cancelled  or  delayed  by  more  than  three  hours, you  should  consider Regulation  (EC)  No  261/2004.  This  European regulation  provides  passengers with  rights  in  the  event  of  a  cancelled  or  delayed  flight. 

However,  in  order  to  maximize your  chances  of  having  a  successful  claim, as  you  proceed according  to  the  regulation,  there  are  several aspects  to  be  taken  into  account.  This  article  aims  to  guide  you  further in  your  endeavour and  to  present some  of  the  practical  aspects that  might  prevent you  from  getting your  rightful  compensation.

Romanian  Courts  have  created  a  somewhat  uniform practice  when  it  comes  to  legal  actions concerning  compensations  awarded in  accordance  with  Regulation  (EC)  No  261/2004. Thus, it  becomes  somewhat predictable  whether  your  claim  will  be  successful or  not,  by  analysing  a  few  key  points.

Firstly,  you  need  to  make  sure  that  you  can  provide  all  the  relevant documents  that  prove  the  situation you  are  presenting. 

You  will  need  to  prove  that  you  booked  the  flight  with  a  booking confirmation  and/or  boarding pass.  The  booking confirmation  is  almost always  mandatory  in  the  event  of  a  delayed  flight because  it  shows  the  planned hour  of  departure and  arrival.  Therefore, in  order  to  show  that  your  flight was  delayed  by  more  than  three  hours, you  will  need  to  reference the  initial  timetable.

However,  if  you  have  a  boarding  pass  that  has  both  the  time  of  departure  and  the  time  of  arrival, it  will  be  sufficient  to  confirm  your  delay  claim. In  the  case  of  a  cancelled  flight, any  proof  of  booking  is  sufficient  as  the  planned timetable  becomes  irrelevant. 

Secondly,  the  most  important  thing  is  to  provide  a  proof  of  delay  or  cancellation,  either in  the  form  of  an  email  or  message  received from  the  flight operator,  or  a  notice  provided by  a  reliable source.  The  source of  the  proof  of  delay  is  very  relevant  as  it  has  a  direct effect  on  the  plausibility  of  your  claim.

Finally,  if  the  flight  operator offers  an  alternative flight  to  your  destination,  you  should  also  provide  a  proof  that  displays  the  flight  itinerary. That  is  necessary to  show  that,  despite  being  offered  a  rerouting  flight, you  still  arrived at  your  final  destination  with  a  delay  greater  than  3  hours.

Once  you  have  all  the  necessary  documents, there  are  several possibilities  in  regards to  obtaining  the  compensation.  The  flight  operator can  agree  to  pay  the  compensation  after  receiving  a  notice,  or  you  can  proceed  with  the  legal  action. 

In  case  your  case  goes  to  Court, the  most  common defence  formulated  by  flight  operators concerns  the  existence of  extraordinary  circumstances.  Indeed, according  to  Regulation  (EC)  No  261/2004, the flight  operator  can  be  exempt from  paying  the  compensation  if  he  can  prove  that  the  cancellation or  the  delay  was  caused by  an  unpredictable event  that  could  not  have  been  prevented by  the  airline with  all  due  diligence.  The  most  common extraordinary  events  range  from  the  aircraft  being  hit  by  a  bird,  to  extreme meteorological  conditions,  to  insufficient  staff  at  an  airport. 

Note  that  most  of  the  time,  the  airline’s  defence does  not  meet  one  of  the  two  criteria  established through  jurisprudence,  in  order  to  qualify  a  situation  as  an  extraordinary circumstance.  The  two  criteria  are,  proving  the  existence  of  the  circumstance and  showing  the  measures  taken  to  minimize or  to  avoid  any  inconvenience for  the  passengers. Thus,  usually  the  airline  fails  to  provide any  conclusive  proof  in  regards to  the  event  itself  and  even  more  often,  the  airline  remains completely  passive  when  faced  with  a  so  called  extraordinary circumstance.  As  such,  it  is  possible  to  easily  prove  the  airline’s allegations  as  wrong  or  false. 

Taking  into  consideration all  these  aspects, keep  in  mind  that  whenever you  are  entitled to  a  compensation in  accordance  with  Regulation  (EC)  No  261/2004 you should  take  the  necessary  steps  to  obtain it  as  your  chances  are  can  be  high.  Furthermore, consider  that  there  are  companies specialised  in  obtaining compensations  in  the  name  of  the  passengers, so  you  can  choose  this  option  if  you  do  not  want  to  pursue the  legal  action yourself.

Nicholas S. Hammond
Hammond Partnership
Practice Area:
Phone Number:
0040 21 589 7892
Nicholas Hammond is a corporate and property lawyer by training. He is a qualified solicitor having spent 25 years in London before moving to Bucharest in 1994 to open the Bucharest office of a well-known international law firm. In 2004, he set up Hammond and Associates and is currently the managing partner in Hammond & Associates dealing with a multitude of legal issues. He regularly advises investors both private individuals and international businesses on commercial matters in Romania with an emphasis on M&A and corporate matters. He has been involved over the years in many major transactions in Romania advising foreign investors. Nicholas has extensive experience in the commercial sector having for example advised several insurance companies, aviation companies and companies in the oil and gas as well as renewable energy field. He continues to advise major companies from all fields on their business in Romania. He also advises upon employment issues. Nicholas has acted for foreign investors in the real estate field in respect of acquisitions and disposals as well as advising on leasing issues. He has provided legal opinions in relation to Romania as required.

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